I can access my databases through SQL server Management Studio (SSMS) by using my Windows account no problem.

Bạn đang xem: Lỗi login failed for user sa

I have two issues though:

How can I fix this?



In SSMS, right-click on the server và go to Properties & under the security page, check what server authentication looks like. Odds are it"s set lớn Windows Authentication only and needs to lớn change if you want lớn use SQL server users:


Alternative ways khổng lồ change the vps authentication mode

From Windows registry:

Step 1: open the registry editor.

Step 2: Navigate to:

Step 3: Change the value of Login
Mode from 1 khổng lồ 2.

From query:

Just run

EXEC xp_instance_regwrite N"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",N"SoftwareMicrosoftMSSQLServerMSSQLServer", N"Login
Mode", REG_DWORD, 2Note: changing the SQL server authentication mode requires the service to lớn be restarted lớn take effect.

Source:4 Ways to lớn Enable Mixed Mode Authentication for SQL Server
Change authentication mode with SSMS

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edited Apr 30, 2021 at 11:14
answered Apr 30, 2021 at 10:32

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Right-click on the server name in SSMS và go lớn properties and under the security page.

Change the authentication from windows authentication mode khổng lồ sql server and windows authentication mode .

Don"t forget to lớn restart the SQL server Instance, as it will restart the windows services.


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edited Dec 22, 2021 at 17:03

4,97411 gold badge99 silver badges4040 bronze badges
answered Dec 22, 2021 at 14:21
Aman singh Parihar
Aman singh Parihar
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You may encounter the SQL vps Error 18456 if the vps could not authenticate the connection và this can be caused by the non-availability of the administrator rights lớn the SQL vps or if the TCP/IP protocol is disabled in the SQL hệ thống settings.

The issue arises when the user tries to lớn connect khổng lồ the SQL server (local or remote) but encounters the error 18456 (with different states).

Login Failed Microsoft SQL hệ thống Error 18456 Fix

You can fix the SQL server error 18456 by trying the solutions below but before that, kiểm tra if restarting the server, client computer, and networking computers solves the issue. Moreover, make sure you are typing the correct username và password (not copy-pasting the address).

Also, kiểm tra if you are entering the correct database name (no typo in it) and make sure you have updated the configuration file accordingly. Furthermore, kiểm tra if unlocking the account (by using the query ALTER LOGIN WITH PASSWORD= UNLOCK) solves the issue. If you are seeing the errors in the SQL errors log, then make sure your SQL server is not under attack. Last but not least, make sure the server’s clock and client computer clock is correctly set.

Launch the SQL server as Administrator and Disable UAC on the Server

You may encounter the error 18456 if the SQL hệ thống does not have the elevated permissions lớn execute its operation & launching it as administrator (or disabling the UAC controls on the server) may solve the problem.

Open the SQL hệ thống as Administrator

Click Windows and type SQL server Management Studio.Now right-click on SMSS & select Run as Administrator.
Launch Microsoft SQL server Management Studio as Administrator
Then click Yes (if UAC prompt received) and check if the SQL server is clear of the error 18456.

Launch the SQL hệ thống in a Single User Mode

Click Windows, type, and mở cửa the SQL hệ thống Configuration Manager.Now right-click on the SQL Server service (in the SQL vps Services tab) và select Properties.
Open Properties of the SQL Server
Then head khổng lồ the Startup Parameters tab & in the Specify a Startup Parameter box, type:

Now click on Addapply the changes.

Add the “-m” Parameter khổng lồ the Startup Parameters of the SQL Server
Then right-click on the SQL Server service và select Restart.
Restart the SQL server Service
Now click Windows, type: SQL hệ thống Management Studio, right-click on SMSS, and select Run as Administrator.Now kiểm tra if you can connect lớn the SQL hệ thống as administrator.If so, then add the tên miền account to the SQL server và assign it the Sys
role.Now go back khổng lồ the SQL vps Configuration Manager window and remove the -m parameter in the Startup Parameters tab.Then restart the SQL server service (step 3) and kiểm tra if the SQL server is working fine.If the issue persists, kiểm tra if the startup parameters or path details are properly configured. If the issue is still there, make sure your user account does have the required permissions khổng lồ the database/ reporting services, & then kiểm tra if the issue is resolved.

Enable the TCP/IP Protocol in the hệ thống Configuration Manager

The error code 18456 in the SQL hệ thống means that the hệ thống could not authenticate the connection & this can happen if the TCP/IP protocol required to lớn access the database on a network is disabled in the hệ thống Configuration Manager. In this context, enabling the TCP/IP in the SQL vps Configuration Manager may solve the problem.

Click Windows and expand Microsoft SQL Server with a year name lượt thích 2008 (you may need khổng lồ scroll a bit khổng lồ find the option).Now xuất hiện SQL hệ thống Configuration Manager và click Yes (if UAC prompt received).Then, expand SQL hệ thống Network Configuration và select Protocols for (the server/database name) in the left pane.Now, in the right pane, double-click on TCP/IP và select Yes in the dropdown of Enabled.
Open TCP/IP in Protocols of SQL hệ thống Network Configuration
Then apply your changes & click Windows.
Enable TCP/IP in SQLNow type Services, right-click on the result of Services, and select Run as Administrator.
Open Services as Administrator
Then right-click on the SQL Server (with the server’s name) and select Restart.
Restart the SQL Service in the Services Window
Now kiểm tra if the SQL hệ thống is clear of the error 18456.

If that did not vì the trick, then make sure you are connecting to the right port of the SQL hệ thống (especially if you are using the vps in a multi-server environment).

Change the Authentication Mode of the SQL Server

The SQL server might show the error 18456 if the authentication method of the SQL server is not properly configured (e.g: you are trying khổng lồ login using SQL server authentication whereas the server is configured to lớn use the Windows authentication). In this case, changing the authentication method of the SQL server may solve the problem. Before moving on make sure the status login for the present user (for example SA) is enabled.

In the Object Explorer of Microsoft SQL server Management Studio, right-click on your server & select Properties.Now, in the left pane, select Security, và in the right pane, select SQL Server và Windows Authentication (or vice versa).
Enable SQL Server & Windows Authentication
Then apply your changes and in the Object Explorer, right-click on the server.Now choose Restart và once restarted, check if you can connect khổng lồ the database without error 18456.

If you cannot log into SQL, then you may install MS power Tools và run the following in an elevated command:

psexec.exe -i -s ssms.exe
Afterward, you may use the installation account of SQL khổng lồ make the changes và also make sure the SA account is not disabled:

Enable the SA Account and Reset the tài khoản Password

If you cannot connect lớn the SQL Server, then enabling the SA account of the SQL server & resetting its password may solve the problem.

Launch Microsoft SQL server Management Studio (you may have lớn use the domain name admin account) & expand Security.Then double-click on Logins and mở cửa SA.Open the SA tài khoản in the Microsoft SQL server Management Studio
Now enter a new password và confirm the password (make sure you use a strong password).Then head to lớn the Server Roles tab and make sure the following roles are selected:

SysadminEnable the Public and Sysadmin server Roles for the SA Account
Now head to the Status tab và in the right pane, select Enabled (under Login).Enable the SA tài khoản in SQLThen apply your changes & click the Windows button.Now type Services and right-click on it.Then select Run as Administrator & steer to the SQL hệ thống service.Now right-click on it & select Restart.Once the service is restarted, check if the error 18456 of the SQL vps is cleared.

Create a New Login and Restart the Reporting Services

If you cannot use any account to connect khổng lồ the database, then creating a new login & restarting the reporting services may solve the problem.

Launch the Microsoft SQL hệ thống Management Studio và expand its Security tab.Then expand Logins & right-click on it.Now select New Login & enter the credentials (in the login name select the computer account) if using the SQL hệ thống Authentication.Create a New Login in the SQL Server
Then make sure khổng lồ uncheckUser Must Change Password at Next Login” and select the database.Now head to lớn the Server Roles tab và select the Public role.Then, in the User Mapping tab, make sure to choose the database and select db_owner.Select db_owner for the Database in SQLNow apply your changes và click Windows.Then type Servicesright-click on the result of Services. Then select Run as Administrator.Now right-click on the SQL server Reporting Service & select Restart.Restart the SQL vps Reporting Service
Then reconnect to the database and check if the SQL hệ thống is clear of the error 18456.

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If so, make sure that you have created a user in BUILTINadministrators, và then you can use that user to lớn manage the SQL Server. If you have restored the database from a backup, it will be better to lớn remove & re-add the users to clear any old user entries. If you want to run the SQL server as a different user, then type Microsoft SQL vps in the Windows Search, Shift+Right-click on the SQL Server, & select Run as a Different User. Last but not least, check if using Azure Data Studio with the SQL hệ thống sorts out the issue.